Whole Health Resource Directory

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Improving any area can benefit other areas in your life and influence your overall physical, emotional, and mental health and well-being.  Click on the components to learn more and to identify available resources.

image/svg+xml Moving Your Body"Energy and Flexibility" Exercise gives you energy and strength. Movement can make you more flexible. Exercise is also good for your mind. Regular exercise can lower blood pressure and cholesterol and reduce the risk for heart disease. Examples of exercise and movement include walking, gardening, dancing, or lifting weights. It's important to find what works for you. Close X Surroundings"Physical and Emotional" Your environment can affect your health. You may have problems with safety, or things like clutter, noise, bad smells, poor lighting or water quality. You may be able to change some of these problems. You may not be able to change them all. It starts with paying attention to the influences of your environment on your life and health. Improve what you can. It's good to have a safe, comfortable, and healthy space. Close X Personal Development"Personal Life & Work Life" No matter where you are in life, your personal and work life is very important. How do you spend your time and energy during the day? Do things give you energy or make you tired? Do you spend time doing what matters most to you? How do you feel about your finances and how are they affecting your life? These factors affect not only your happiness, but also your health. Close X Food & Drink"Nourishing & Fueling" What you eat and drink can nourish your body and mind. Choose healthy eating habits that fit your lifestyle. Certain supplements can support your health goals. Limit alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine. Keep your body and mind properly fueled. Close X Recharge"Sleep & Refresh" Sleep is very important for your body and mind. Rest can give you peace. Relaxation can lower stress. Activities you enjoy can help you feel recharged. A good balance between activity and rest improves your health and well-being. Close X Family, Friends, & Coworkers"Relationships" Feeing alone can sometimes make you get sick or keep you sick. Positive social relationships are healthy. A healthy intimate relationship with a life partner can be a source of strength. It's good to talk to people who care about you and listen to you. Close X Spirit & Soul"Growing & Connecting" A sense of meaning and purpose in life is important to many people. When things are hard, where do you turn for strength and comfort? Some people turn to spiritual or religious faith. Some people find comfort in nature. Some connect with art, music or prefer quiet time alone. Some want to help others. You may express this as a guide to living fully. Close X Power of the Mind"Relaxing and Healing" Your mind can affect your body. Sometimes when you think about stressful things, your heart rate and blood pressure go up. You can use the power of your mind to lower blood pressure or control pain. Learn to use the connection between your body, brain, and mind. Warriors and athletes use the power of the mind to visualize a successful mission or event. Mind-body practices tap into the power of the mind to heal and cope. Close X Me The innermost circle represents each of us as unique individuals. We start at the middle saying, "I am the expert on my life, values, goals, and priorities. Only I can know WHY I want my health. Only I can know what really matters to ME. And this knowledge needs to be what drives my health and well-being. I am the leader of my team, and my medical team professionals are some of the invited players." Close X Mindful Awareness Mindfulness is being fully aware, or paying attention. Sometimes, we go through our daily lives on autopilot. We are not fully aware of the present. We often dwell on the past and plan events in the future. We do not spend much time really paying attention and noticing what is happening right now; without judging or trying to fix it. Your body and mind send you signals constantly. If your attention is elsewhere, you don't notice. Then, the signals that began as whispers become loud warnings. Being mindful, or aware, allows you to make conscious proactive choices about every aspect of your health. Mindfulness connects you to each component of your well-being. Close X Community The outer ring represents your community. For some, their community is close and for others it is far away. Your community is more than the places where you live, work, and worship. It includes all the people and groups you connect with; who rely on you and upon whom you rely. Close X Professional Care Prevention and treatment of illness or disease and traditional and complementary medicine are part of professional care. Preventive care includes things like immunizations and cancer screening. Common treatments include check-ups, medicines, supplements, physical therapy, surgery, and counseling. Complementary medicine includes approaches like acupuncture and mind-body therapies. It is important to stay current with your personal care plan for health and well-being. Close X
Whole Health Resources >>

Disclaimer and Credits:
This site was produced for the wHOPE study, Whole Health Options & Pain Education, funded by the National Institutes of Health. This site is not an official VA (Veterans Administration) website. It contains publicly-available information from both VA and community sources. VA does not endorse any of the non-VA or community services and resources listed on this site.

All Whole Health graphics, including the Circle of Health and Whole Health Logo are property of the Veterans Health Administration Office of Patient Centered Care and Cultural Transformation and were used with their permission. Icons representing individual health component areas were adapted from EMOJIONE under a free-usage license.

  Resource Directory

12 Steps for Healing

Similar to an AA or NA group, this lunch-time support group invites participants to reflect upon, share about and discuss issues which affect their everyday lives. Virtue or outdoor session

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  all sessions are free - drop-ins are welcome - healthy snacks provided
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.

374 Ellis Street
San Francisco, CA
Tags: behavioral health;


2-1-1 is a nation-wide service connecting over 14 million people to services every year. To get help, you can search for local resource through your local 2-1-1 provider, or simply call 2-1-1. All languages. Completely Confidential.

Website:  www.211.org
Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please visit website or call 2-1-1.
  • Schedule:  24 hours/day & 7 days/week

Tags: ;

7 Minute Chi

7 Minute Chi allows you to move and meditate at the same time with simple moves from Tai Chi and Qi Gong. You will learn to decompress and energize with moving meditation. The exercises are simple moves performed by Master Li.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
Visit Website For More Details

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress, be physically active;tai chi, chronic pain

ACT Coach

helps you work with a mental health professional during Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). ACT aims to help you live with unpleasant thoughts and feelings without avoiding them or being controlled by them. ACT Coach is not a self-help tool and should only be used while in therapy with a provider.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  To be used with therapy
Search Your App Store

Tags: behavioral health, manage stress;ACT, acceptance, committment

Active Yoga

Active movement, breath control, simple meditation, and adopting bodily postures for health and relaxation.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Tues/Fri, 11am-12
Tessa Johnson

Tags: manage stress, be physically active;Yoga, Exercise


Every day the Air Quality Index (AQI) tells you how clean or polluted your outdoor air is, along with associated health effects that may be of concern-- help people understand when to take action to protect their health.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please go to the website and enter your zip code to see the air quality in your area.

Tags: ;

Al-Anon Electronic Meetings

All Al Anon meetings offer help and hope to anyone who is affected by alcoholism in a family member or friend.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Drop-in's/walk-in's welcome
  • Schedule:  schedule varies; check link for classes/group times

Tags: substance abuse, behavioral health, be tobacco free, limit alcohol;

Alcohol Screening On-line

Alcohol Screening website offers Questions/Answers related to personal alcohol use; program to find treatment centers across the US.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Visit website for details
Use Website For Contact

Tags: substance abuse, behavioral health, limit alcohol;alcohol screening

Alzheimer's Association Support groups

Virtual Support groups and education programs in communities nationwide. Please go to the website to find a free support group near you.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Visit website or call 24/7 Helpline: 800-272-3900 to find local community support group/s.
(800) 272-3900

Tags: dementia, specialty care;

American Legion

The nation's largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow servicemembers and veterans.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Call or visit website for more information and locations
(800) 433-3318

Tags: ;

AMVETS Success Center

Employment and career services for Veterans.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Drop-in (no appointment needed)
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.
Eddie Ramirez
415 244-7100
Helen Wong
650 576-7875

401 Van Ness Avenue
Veterans Building, 224
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: ;

Anti-Inflammatory Diet Class

Chronic inflammation is a contributor to many illnesses and chronic pain. Learn which foods can help reduce inflammation, foods that support the immune system, and practical tips to incorporate these foods into their everyday life.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Mondays 11am-12pm
Asuka Hokazono

Tags: eat wisely;Nutrition, Eating, Healthy Eating, Food, Inflammation

Art and Writing Workshop

Run by Veteran artists. Writing, Art, Music. Please call Eddie for updates.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please call for more information.
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.
Dan Evenhouse
415 221-4810 x22839
Eddie Ramirez
(415) 244-7100

401 Van Ness
Veterans Building, 213A
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: complementary integrative health;

Artful Discoveries, De Young Museum

Interactive program for individuals with early-stage dementia and their care giver to join others in looking and talking about arts. No previous experience is required.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please visit website or contact access@famsf.org. Please check date and location for each event.
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.
Rebecca Bradley
(415) 750-7645

De Young or Legion of Honor
(San Francisco County)
Tags: complementary integrative health;

Arts at Healing Well

Creative individuals gather to share in the therapeutic experience of art making. This can include painting, drawing, collage, jewelry making and other mediums. Please check website for updates in class offering or schedule.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  all sessions are free - drop-ins are welcome - healthy snacks provided
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.

374 Ellis Street
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: complementary integrative health;

Asian American Recovery Services

Created to provide culturally-responsive substance use disorder treatment program. Outpatient mental health treatment for adults and youth, and case management services.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Call for more information or visit website.
  • Schedule:  Monday-Friday
Joanne Chao, Director
(415) 541-9404
(800) 200-7181

2020 Hayes Street
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: substance abuse, behavioral health;

Audio Meditations for Health

This collection of audio meditations can help you access your body's natural tendency to repair and heal. Through guided imagery and affirmations, you can use your own mind as a complement to traditional medicine. Listen as often as you'd like for maximum benefit.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;meditation, mindfulness

Awareness of Body with Compassion

Group for patients with cancer to find a better sense of well-being and purpose in the face of so many unknowns.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Fridays 11:00am - 12:30pm
Jeremy Joseph

Tags: ;Compassion, Sense of purpose, awareness

Basic Computers Skills

Learn to use a mouse, trackpad, keyboard, use a flash drive, set up and send emails. Create documents and spreadsheets. Create slideshow presentations. Gain comfort with using technology. In Person class on hold.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Contact POC for entry/referral details
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.
(415) 557-4400

100 Larkin St.
Main Library, 5th Floor Computer Training Ctr.
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: ;

Beginners Tai Chi with Patrick Lau

Free class--Learn Tai Chi from experienced practitioners. Join us on the patio for a session of Yang style, long form Tai Chi. In the event of rain, Tai Chi will not be held. Virtue Program available--click on EVENTS & EXHIBITS for event schedules

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Drop-in's/walk-in's welcome
  • Schedule:  Wednesday 11:30 - 12:15
(415) 355-5616
(415) 355-2880

3150 Sacramento Street, Presidio Meeting Room
San Franccisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: complementary integrative health, be physically active;chronic pain


Learn to monitor and control your heart rate variability promotes emotional resilience, stress management, and health.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult
  • Schedule:  Wednesdays 8:10am - 8:50am
Linda Abadjian

Tags: ;Resilience, Stress management, heart rate

BLOOM! (Balance, Liveliness, Optimism, Openness and Meaning)

Understand the obstacles to happiness and learn effective tools for creating more joy in your life.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Thursday 2:00pm-3:00pm
Jeremy Joseph

Tags: ;Happiness, Joy


A portable stress management tool. Breathe2Relax is a hands-on diaphragmatic breathing exercise.

Website:  N/A
Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
Search Your App Store

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;breath work, breathing

Cal Poly Humboldt V.E.T.S. program

Veterans Enrollment & Transition Services (VETS) program supports Veteran academic success through relational advising, mentorship, transitional assistance, community-building, and coordination of military and Veteran-specific resources while providing a safe and supportive learning environment at Cal Poly Humboldt.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please visit website or call for more information.
  • Schedule:  M-F 9-5
(707) 826-6272

1 Harpst Street
Lower Library, 3
(Humboldt County)
Tags: complementary integrative health;

California Smokers Helpline

We offer free telephone counseling in six languages and online support to help you quit smoking and vaping.

Website:  www.nobutts.org/
Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  See website or call for information
(800 )622-8887

Tags: substance abuse, behavioral health, be tobacco free;


Created by Veterans, for Veterans, the Challenge America Veteran Arts Community (CAVARTS) is the latest innovation in a five-year effort to build an inclusive community that brings together Veterans of various backgrounds who support one another as they connect, learn, and grow through art. Participate in workshops and other learning opportunities based on your areas of interest. Engage in discussions and find information and encouragement to take your talents to the next level.

Website:  www.cavarts.org/
Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
See Website For Contacts

Tags: manage stress;Arts, Crafts, Crafting, Music, Painting, Connecting, Community

CBT-i Coach

helps you get the most out of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-i) so that you can develop good sleep habits and sleep better. CBT-i Coach is best used while in therapy with a provider. The CPT Coach App helps you work with your therapist during

Website:  N/A
Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  To be used with therapy
Search Your App Store

Tags: sleep disorder, behavioral health;sleep, insomnia

Chair One Fitness

Full body, low impact, musically interactive chair exercise program using dance and fitness.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Mon 11am-12p, Tues 5:30p-6:30p
Sharmayne Whitehead

Tags: be physically active;Chair Fitness, Exercise, Fitness, Active

Chill Chair Yoga

Gentle stretching and strengthening using a chair for stability. Great for those with difficulty getting up and down off the floor, or who have limited space.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider for a Whole Health consult.
  • Schedule:  Fridays, 11am-12pm
Caitlin Hildebrand

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress, be physically active;

Chris Germer Meditations

Free to download the meditations for your personal use. They are intended to guide you through the first phase of mindful self-compassion training. The meditations are primarily instructional in nature and briefer than most meditation sessions.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Visit website for details.

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;meditation, forgiveness, compassion, working with difficult emotions, chronic pain

Comeback Yoga

Free yoga classes to help military personnel, their families and supporters develop resiliency in response to their experience.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
Visit Website For More Details

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;yoga, chronic pain

Community Discussion at Healing Well

Drawing upon the wisdom and practices of diverse traditions, participants reflect upon and discuss themes that deepen their understanding of and connection to themselves and the community.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  all sessions are free - drop-ins are welcome - healthy snacks provided
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.

374 Ellis Street
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: complementary integrative health;

Computer Basics Training

Learn basic skills or improve your computer comfort. Topics will vary based on student needs. Virtue Program--click on EVENTS & EXHIBIT calendar.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Drop-in
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.
(415) 557-4400

100 Larkin St.
Main Library, 5th Floor Computer Training Ctr.
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: ;

Conservatory of Flowers

The Conservatory of Flowers in Golden Gate Park is now free to all veterans. It is also now free to all SF residents.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Drop-in's/walk-in's welcome
  • Schedule:  Tues to Sun, 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Last entry at 4:00 PM
(415) 831-2090

100 John F. Kennedy Drive
San Francisco, CA
(San Francisco County)
Tags: ;Garden, Relax, Rejuvenate, Nature, Flowers, Parks, Plants

Core Flex

Develop your core strength, improve mobility, and increase range of motion through flexibility drills within 1 hour.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Fridays 10am-11am
Christian Dillon

Tags: ;Strength, Mobility, Flexibility

County Veteran Services Office - Eureka

Assists Veterans and their families, and the general public in obtaining benefits from federal, state & local agencies administering programs for Veterans; advocacy to Veterans regarding entitlement rights to federal, state and local benefit programs.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please visit website or call for more information.
  • Schedule:  Mon- Fri 8:30-12 noon & 1-4 p.m.
(707) 445-7611

1105 6th St., Suite F
(Humboldt County)
Tags: ;


Free, easy-to-use mobile application created for everyone, including Veterans and Servicemembers, to support self-care and overall mental health during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  Yes

Tags: behavioral health, be involved in your health care;covid, self care

CPT Coach App

helps you work with your therapist during Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT). CPT is used to reduce symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) by helping you work through your thoughts and feelings about your trauma, and decrease avoidance of difficult memories. The App helps you track your progress, appointments and PTSD symptoms. CPT Coach is not a self-help tool and should only be used while in therapy with a provider.

Website:  N/A
Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  to be used with therapy
Search Your App Store

Tags: ptsd, behavioral health;

Craft Group

Develop crafting skills in a fun way. Build camaraderie and social connections. Discover a new outlet.

Website:  N/A
Location: San Francisco VA Medical Center

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider for a Whole Health consult.
  • Schedule:  Saturdays, 11am-1pm
Sharmayne Whitehead

4150 Clement Street
San Francisco, CA
Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;

Creative Writing at Healing Well

This class provides an exploration of life and experiences through the written word. Sharing of writing is always appreciated but never expected.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  all sessions are free - drop-ins are welcome - healthy snacks provided
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.

374 Ellis Street
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: complementary integrative health;

Creative Writing Warrior

Gather to share experiences and unleash creativity. A writing dice game is incorporated and serves as a catalyst for imagination, sparking unexpected ideas.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Thursdays 5pm-6:30pm
Sharmayne Whitehead

Tags: ;Creativity, Imagination, Sharing experiences

Dance for PD

Specialized dance classes for people with Parkinson's Disease, their families, friends and care partners through a network of affiliates in more than 100 communities in 16 countries around the world.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Visit website for more information.

Tags: complementary integrative health, be physically active;dance, parkinsons

De Young Museum

Every Saturday we offer free general admission to all residents of the nine Bay Area counties. General admission is free the first Tuesday of every month.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please contact Access Programs and check calendar for the Access Viewing Day.

50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive
De Young Museum of San Francisco, Golden Gate Park
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: complementary integrative health;

Diabetes Empowerment Education Program (DEEP)

The Diabetes Empowerment Education Program (DEEP) provides basic skills and knowledge in diabetes. The program uses interactive group activities and adult education approaches.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Fridays 1:00pm-3:00pm
Keisha Bellamy

Tags: ;Diabetes, Interactive, Activities

Disability Services & Legal Center (DSCL) Napa

Resource center (legal clinics and Housing workshop) that promotes the Independent Living philosophy through education, community partnerships and advocacy.

Website:  mydslc.org/
Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Anyone with disability
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Call or visit website for more information
  • Schedule:  Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm
Patricia Sullivan
(707) 258-0276

1820 Jefferson Street
(Napa County)
Tags: ;

Easy Chi

Learn a mix of Qi Gung and Tai Chi movements for health and wellness. Standing or seated, this class is accessible for all.

Website:  N/A
Location: CBOC - Santa Rosa

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Tuesdays 1:00pm-2:00pm
Jeremy Joseph

Tags: ;Movement, Accessible, Health and Wellness

Easy Chi

Learn a mix of Qi Gung and Tai Chi movements for health and wellness. Standing or seated, this class is accessible for all.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Tuesdays 1:00pm-2:00pm
Jeremy Joseph

Tags: ;Movement, Accessible, Health and Wellness

Eureka Vet Center

Free, confidential help for Veterans, service members, and their families at no cost in a non-medical setting. Our services include counseling for needs such as transitioning after a deployment or discharge from military service, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and the psychological effects of military sexual trauma (MST). We can also connect you with more support in VA and your community.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Veterans (see website or call to discuss eligibility)
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Call for more information
  • Schedule:  Mon- Sun, 8-430
(707) 444-8271

2830 G Street, Suite A
(Humboldt County)
Tags: substance abuse, specialty care, behavioral health;

Exalted Warrior Foundation

The Exalted Warrior Foundation facilitates an adaptive yoga instruction program, designed for wounded warriors. This resource allows you to practice yoga anywhere. There are two YouTube recordings one for Adaptive Yoga for Comfort and Ease and another for relaxation. Live Online Classes!

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
Visit The Website For More Details

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress, be physically active;yoga, wounded warriors, chronic pain

Expand Flexibility Foam Rolling

Address your muscular imbalances through self-myofascial release techniques and improve mobility.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Mondays 10:00am-11:00am
Christian Dillon

Tags: ;Flexibility, Mobility

Fit For Life

Improve your balance and confidence. This class is an evidence-based program to improve balance and decreased arthritis symptoms. It incorporates exercises that improve balance, muscular strength, flexibility, and fitness. The movements are reviewed by physician and professionals to tailor them for people with arthritis, especial for those people with osteoarthritis of hips or knees. We are offering the 20 weekly classes, starting Oct. 5, 2023 through February, 20, 2024. Space is limited. Reservation is required. Call (415) 355-5626 to reserve your space.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Reservations required
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.
(415) 355-5626

850 Columbus Avenue
North Beach Library, Community Room
San Francisco, CA
(San Francisco County)
Tags: complementary integrative health, be physically active;

Food For People, Inc. Humboldt County

A variety of food programs, food pantries, home delivered food bags, senior brown bag and community gardens throughout Humboldt County. Check website for dates, times, and distribution sites.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Drop-in
  • Schedule:  Varies, see website
(707) 445-3166

(Humboldt County)
Tags: ;

Free Legal Clinic for Veterans

Free Legal consultations to veterans at no cost: VA Disability Claims and Military Discharge Upgrades.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Contact POC for entry/referral details
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.
Jennie Schattle
(415) 252-4787 x 359
(510) 844-7500

1060 Howard St.
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: manage stress;legal assistance

Free Lifetime National Parks Passes

Veterans and Gold Star Families will be granted free access to national parks, wildlife refuges and other Federal lands managed by the Department of Interior starting Memorial Day 2020.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Veteran and/or their Families
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Provide ID from Department of Defense ID Card, Veteran Health Identification Card, Veteran ID Card, Veterans designation on a state issued U.S. driver's license or identification card

Tags: ptsd, behavioral health, complementary integrative health, manage stress, strive for a healthy weight, be physically active;Free, parks, passes

FREE Online Courses

This resource offers 450 Ivy League courses anyone can take online for free. Course subjects include computer science, data science, programming, humanities, business, art & design, science, social sciences, health & medicine, engineering, mathematics, education & teaching, and personal development.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No

Tags: ;online courses, online learning

Gentle Flow Yoga

Gentle movement, breath control, simple meditation, and adopting bodily postures for health and relaxation.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Thursdays 10am-11am
Bridget Conboy

Tags: be physically active;Yoga, Flow, Exercise

Gentle Movement at Healing Well

At The Healing WELL, we offer evidence-based best practices to promote wellness for all people.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  all sessions are free - drop-ins are welcome - healthy snacks provided
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.

374 Ellis Street
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: complementary integrative health;

GeroFit Virtual

GeroFit Virtual is a facility-based, telehealth exercise, and health promotion clinical program for eligible Veterans aged 65 years and older. Supervised exercise classes are offered 5 days a week for 1 to 1.5 hours and includes all components of physical activity: Cardio, strength, balance, & flexibility. Have your provider enter a consult: interfacility consults, Northern Cal, GeroFit.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veteran and/or their Families
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Provider referral required
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies

Tags: manage stress, be safe, strive for a healthy weight, be physically active;

Getting Together to Inspire and Support - Leveraging Positivity

Each huddle will be kicked off with an ultra brief introduction to an uplifting topic, such as gratitude, optimism, and hope. Participants are invited to share their experience with that topic.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Follow the Zoom link
  • Schedule:  March 30th 2020, 11AM PST (Will vary week-to-week)

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;positive health, gratitude, optimism, hope

Give Back Yoga Foundation

The Yoga Readiness Initiative was created to share what yoga service is, and to provide you with the knowledge and resources to be able to get into action and contribute to the yoga service movement in your own unique way.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
Visit Website For More Details

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;chronic pain

Guided Meditation Podcasts

Choose from more than a dozen brief podcasts designed to help settle the mind and increase a sense of relaxation and peace. These audio tracks can be used in group settings as well as for individual use.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Visit website for details.

Tags: manage stress;guided meditation, meditation podcasts

Healthier Living Workshop

Learn practical skills to help you manage chronic conditions that affect your quality of life (e.g., arthritis, diabetes, obesity, stroke).

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Fridays 10:00am-12:00pm
Keisha Bellamy

Tags: ;Chronic Conditions, Practical Skills

Holden QiGong

Youtube channel with free Qi Gong instructional videos, led by Lee Holden. Chi or Qi is the life force energy animating through your body and in nature, and gong means "to work with"...so qigong means "to work with our life force energy". Qigong expert Lee Holden introduces the ancient art of qigong, "the art of effortless power". Discover the benefits of qigong - how to relieve stress, increase energy and get relief from common ailments like a tight lower back, joint pain, neck pain, anxiety and depression.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
See Website For Contacts

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress, be physically active;qi gong, qigong

Humboldt County Veterans Services Office

Assists veterans, their dependents and survivors, and the general public in obtaining benefits from federal, state and local agencies administering programs for veterans.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Walk in or by appointment
  • Schedule:  Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - Noon 1-4 p.m.
(707) 445-7611

1105 6th Street, Suite F
(Humboldt County)
Tags: ;

Humboldt Senior Resource Center

The Humboldt Senior Resource Center is committed to providing services, information, education and recreation for seniors, families and caregivers in Humboldt County.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Seniors
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please call or visit website for more information.
  • Schedule:  Mon-Fri 8:30-4:30
(707) 443-9747

1910 California Street
(Humboldt County)
Tags: dementia, behavioral health;

Institute on Aging - 24-hour toll-free Friendship Line

The Friendship Line is both a crisis intervention hotline and a warmline for non-urgent calls. Founded in 1973 by Dr. Patrick Arbore, Director of IOA?s Center for Elderly Suicide Prevention.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Call toll-free 24-hour 800-971-0016
  • Schedule:  7 days/week/24-hour
Institute of Aging
415 750-4111

3575 Geary Blvd.
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: substance abuse, sleep disorder, dementia, complementary integrative health;

Integrative Health Cooking Class

Learn how to create healthy & delicious meals to help you feel more vibrant and nourished.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Tuesdays 10am-11:30am
Aska Hokazono

Tags: eat wisely;Food, Health, Healthy Eating, Eating

iRestYoga Nidra Meditation

Embodied meditation practice for deep rest, relaxation, and self- inquiry. Based on the ancient tradition of Yoga Nidra and adapted to suit modern life.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Mondays 3pm-4pm
Anna O'Gorman

Tags: manage stress;Yoga, Meditation, Relax, Rest

Japanese Tea Garden, Golden Gate Park

The Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park is now free to all veterans. It is also free to any SF resident.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Drop-in's/walk-in's welcome
  • Schedule:  Open Everyday. Winter: 9AM - 4:45PM, Summer: 9AM - 5:45PM

75 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive
San Francisco, CA
(San Francisco County)
Tags: ;Nature, Relax, Outdoors, Garden, Parks

Know a Vet

Veterans connect with resources and support to manage and confront the issues they may have and find solutions for improving their lives.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please call or visit website for more information
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.
Neil Lichtman
(833) 566-9283

211 Hope Street
Mountain View, CA
(Santa Clara County)
Tags: behavioral health;

Lake County Veterans Service Office

The County Veteran's Service Office was established by the Lake County Board of Supervisors in 1946 to assist veterans, their dependents, and survivors in obtaining benefits from federal, state and local agencies administering programs for veterans. We are a county agency and not the federal Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Veterans, dependents, and the public
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Call for more information
  • Schedule:  Mon-Friday, 7:30 am to 4:30pm
Saul Sanabria

285 N. Main St.
(Lake County)
Tags: specialty care;

Laughter Yoga

The class meets every Thursday. On the last class of the month, silent meditation is included in addition to Laughter Yoga. Laughter exercises warm up the mind-body and silent meditation helps facilitate a gentle deepening of mindful awareness. Online Only

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Drop-in's/walk-in's welcome
  • Schedule:  Thursday , 6-7 PM
(415) 353-7718

(San Francisco County)
Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;

Leisure Career Skills

Participants will learn basic graphic design techniques while engaging in a unique hands on Cricut activity. Also learn the basic online business startup fundamentals for unique career opportunities.

Website:  N/A
Location: CBOC - Oakland

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Thursdays 1pm-2:30pm
Sharmayne Whitehead

Tags: ;Career, Skills, Work, Graphic Design, Business

Life Armor

Comprehensive learning and self-management tool to assist with common mental health concerns. Contains information on 17 topics, including sleep, depression, anger, relationship issues, substance use, and post-traumatic stress. Brief self-assessments help the user measure and track their symptoms, and tools are available to assist with managing specific problems.

Website:  N/A
Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
Search Your App Store

Tags: behavioral health, manage stress;

Low Vision Support Group

Instructor-led support groups for adults with vision loss are held twice a month at EBC (EBC Vision Group) in Santa Rosa, and once a month at various off campus locations in Sonoma, Lake, Napa and Mendocino counties. Our Support Groups meet in person and by phone and audio/video conferences. Please check the calendar https://earlebaum.org/calendar/ or call the office 707-523-3222 for detailed information.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  visually impaired adults
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  call the office 707-523-3222 for detailed information.
  • Schedule:  https://earlebaum.org/calendar/

Tags: ;

Marin County Veterans Service Office

Assist Veterans, their dependents and survivors and the general public in obtaining benefits from federal, stat and local agencies administering programs for Veterans.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Drop-in's/walk-in's welcome
  • Schedule:  Monday - Thursday, 8:30am - 4:00pm
Sean Stephens
(415) 473-6193

10 North San Pedro Rd.
San Rafael, CA
(Marin County)
Tags: complementary integrative health, be involved in your health care;

Meditation in the Bridge

Mindfulness and Meditation is about stress relief and incorporates simple meditation practices. It will begin with participants briefly sharing about their level of stress. They will then participate in 20 minutes of meditation and mindfulness practices.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  This course can be attended as a series or as stand-alone classes. Drop-ins Welcome or email laura.lay@sfpl.org
  • Schedule:  Wednesday 12-12:30pm
Laura Lay
(415) 557-4400

100 Larkin St.
Main Library, 5th Floor, Learning Studio
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;

Meditation in the Bridge

Free class at the San Francisco Library--focus on stress relief with simple meditation practices. Virtue Programs available--click on calendar.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Drop-in's/walk-in's welcome
  • Schedule:  Wednesday 12-12:30 PM
(415) 557-4400

100 Larkin Street, Learning Studio-5th floor
San Francisco, CA
(San Francisco County)
Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;

Meetup Walking Clubs

Walking for Fitness Group.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please visit website to join a group in your community

Tags: complementary integrative health, be physically active;

Mellow Yoga

Mellow yoga allows you to release tension in your body, improve range of motion, strength, and balance.

Website:  N/A
Location: San Francisco VA Medical Center

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Mondays 10:00am-11:00am, Mondays 11:30am-12:30pm, and Wednesdays 12pm-1pm
Archie Santos Diaz

4150 Clement Street
San Francisco, CA
Tags: ;Stress relief, yoga

Mendocino County Veteran Service Office - Ft. Bragg

Assist Veterans, their dependents and survivors and the general public in obtaining benefits from federal, state and local agencies administering programs for Veterans.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  appointment is required
  • Schedule:  8am-Noon & 1pm-5pm Mon, Weds & Thurs
(707) 964-5823

360 N. Harrison St.
Ft. Bragg, CA
(Mendocino County)
Tags: complementary integrative health, be involved in your health care;

Mendocino County Veteran Service Office- Willits

Assists Veterans and their families, and the general public in obtaining benefits from federal, state & local agencies administering programs for Veterans; advocacy to Veterans regarding entitlement rights to federal, state and local benefit programs.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  by appointment only
  • Schedule:  call for hours
(707) 463-4226

189 North Main Street
Willits, CA
(Mendocino County)
Tags: be involved in your health care;

Mendocino County Veterans Service Office- Ukiah

Assists Veterans and their families, and the general public in obtaining benefits from federal, state & local agencies administering programs for Veterans; advocacy to Veterans regarding entitlement rights to federal, state and local benefit programs.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Walk in or by appointment
  • Schedule:  Open 8am-Noon & and 1pm-5pm Mon-Thurs
(707) 463-4226

405 Observatory Avenue
Ukiah, CA
(Mendocino County)
Tags: be involved in your health care;

Mendocino County Veterans Services Office - Ukiah

Assist veterans, their dependents and survivors, and the general public in obtaining benefits from federal, state and local agencies administering programs for veterans.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Visit web site for all locations and phone numbers, office hours/days.

405 Observatory Ave
(Mendocino County)
Tags: specialty care;

Military Meditation Coach Podcast

Learn and practice meditation techniques for the military and veteran community with this mindfulness podcast.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
Visit The Website For More Details

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;meditation, podcast, chronic pain

Military Outdoors

The goal of Military Outdoors is to improve the lives of veterans and their families through connections with the outdoors and inspire members of the military and veteran community to become outspoken champions for environmental conservation and justice.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please visit the website for more information. Can email or call Military Outdoors for more information
  • Schedule:  9:00-5:00
Reservation And Trip Information

2101 Webster Street, Suite 1300
Oakland, CA
(Alameda County)
Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress, be physically active;outdoors, hiking

Mind Body Skills Group

Educational supportive groups built on developing self-care skills. Skills include guided imagery, autogenic training, breathwork, movement, self-expression, meditation, and more.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Tuesdays, 1pm-2:30pm
Caitlin Hilldebrand

Tags: complementary integrative health;

Mindful and Intuitive Eating

Learn about Mindful and Intuitive eating and the value of self compassion regarding food and eating habits.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Wednesdays 11:30am-1pm
Caitlin Hildebrand

Tags: ;Self compassion, mindfulness, eating habits

Mindful Awareness Resources

The resources offered here will help you learn about and practice mindful awareness.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
Visit The Website For More Details.

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;mindfulness, awareness

Mindful Movement Group

Support your well-being in your body with gentle movements and music, stimulate creativity, tune into your body and breath, and connect with community.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Mondays 1pm-2pm
Sharmayne Whitehead

Tags: ;Movement, Music, Breath, Connection

Mindful Yoga Therapy

Mindful Yoga Therapy Tools. Free downloads, includes a series of short breathing practices that are part of the Mindful Yoga Therapy Program and a Deep Relaxation: Yoga Nidra resource.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
Visit Website For More Details

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;mindful yoga, chronic pain

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction

Participants will develop mindful meditation and mindful movement practices as a way of relating directly to stress, pain, and illness, whatever is happening in their life.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Wednesdays 2:00pm - 4:30pm
Lynn Richards

Tags: manage stress;Mindfulness, Meditation, Stress, Pain

Mindfulness Coach

Mindfulness Coach 2 was developed to help Veterans, Service members, and others learn how to practice mindfulness. The app provides a gradual, self-guided training program designed to help you understand and adopt a simple mindfulness practice.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  Yes

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;mindfulness, meditation, chronic pain

MOVE! Coach

MOVE! Coach is a weight loss app for Veterans, service members, their families, and others who want to lose weight.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  Yes
Visit Website For Details

Tags: weight problems obesity, behavioral health, strive for a healthy weight, be physically active;exercise, move program

Moving Forward App

Moving Forward provides on-the-go tools and teaches problem solving skills to overcome obstacles and deal with stress. The app is designed for Veterans and Service members, but is useful for anyone with stressful problems.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
Visit Website For Details

Tags: behavioral health, manage stress;stress management

Moving Forward Online Course

Moving Forward is a free online course that teaches skills to help you overcome stressful problems and meet your goals. It is completely free and requires no registration.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Visit website for more information.

Tags: behavioral health, manage stress;stress management

Moving the Body

The resources and tools offered here will help you explore ways to move your body, set goals, and be successful.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
Visit The Website For More Details.

Tags: behavioral health, be physically active;Move

Moving Together An Online Group Movement Program for People Living with Memory Loss and Care Partners.

A research study--an online, mind-body group movement program designed for people with mild memory loss, Alzheimer's or dementia. Livestream classes meet for 1 hour, 2 days/week for 12 weeks.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  People with mild memory loss, Alzheimer's or dementia and their care partners
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please see the website: https://togetherseniorhealth.com/current-research-study
Dr. Deborah Barnes
(415) 221-4810 x24221

4150 Clement Street
San Francisco, CA
(San Francisco County)
Tags: dementia, primary care, specialty care, behavioral health;mild cognitive impairment, caregiver

My HealtheVet

My HealtheVet is VA's award-winning online Personal Health Record (PHR). This provides access to your personalized VA health care and information 24/7 through web-based tools that empower Veterans to become active partners in their health care.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  Yes
Visit Website For Details

Tags: primary care, behavioral health, be involved in your health care;health tracking, health appointments, medical record

My Wellness Coach

When it comes to health and well-being - one size does not fit all. My Wellness Coach creates the flexibility and space to discover your health goal, action steps, and motivators.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Download the app onto your phone
Search Your App Store

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress, strive for a healthy weight, be physically active;wellness, coaching

Napa Low Vision Support Group

The Meadows of Napa holds a low vision support group. Our Support Groups meet in person and by phone and audio/video conferences. Please check the calendar https://earlebaum.org/calendar/ or call the office 707-523-3222 for detailed information.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  visually impaired adults
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Contact POC for entry/referral details
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.
The Meadows Of Napa
(707) 523-3222

1800 Atrium Pkwy
(Napa County)
Tags: ;vision support

Napa Veterans Service Office

Assist Veterans, their dependents and survivors and the general public in obtaining benefits from federal, state and local agencies administering programs for Veterans.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Walk-ins will be served if possible, but appointments are highly encourage and preferred
  • Schedule:  Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. & 1 p.m. - 5 p.m

650 Imperial Way, 202
Napa, CA
(Napa County)
Tags: complementary integrative health, be involved in your health care;

Narcotics Anonymous

12-step fellowship focusing on recovery from drug. Please click on Meeting on the website to find the locations and hours near you.

Website:  www.sfna.org
Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Call 24hr hotline or check online for information on meeting times & locations throughout SF. Free.

(San Francisco County)
Tags: substance abuse, behavioral health;

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

Support, education & advocacy for the mentally ill, their friends & families. 24hr message helpline offers crisis support, information & referrals. Multiple ongoing support groups; Free.

Website:  www.namisf.org/
Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Call of look online for schedules. (415) 905-NAMI (6264)
(415) 237-0039

1388 Sutter Street, 600
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: substance abuse, behavioral health;

National Veterans Wheelchair Games (NVWG)

A rehabilitation and wheelchair sports program empowering Veterans with spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, amputations and other neurological injuries to live more active and healthy lives through wheelchair sports and recreation.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please go to the website for more information and http://www.sportsabilities.com/california (for a list of events and dates in CA).
Dave Tostenrude, NVWG Director

Tags: specialty care, be physically active;

North Bay Vet Center (NBVC)

Vet Centers provide a broad range of counseling, outreach, and referral service to eligible Vets. Eligible Veterans include; all War Zone Veterans; Veterans who have participated in Operations Joint Endeavor, Joint Guard, or Joint Forge; and Veterans who have experienced Military Sexual Trauma (MST).

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Eligible Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please call for most up to date information

6010 Commerce Blvd, Suite 145
Rohnert Park, CA
(Sonoma County)
Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;

North Bay Vet Center (NBVC) - Fishing Group

Join our fishing group and experience ocean fishing and/or crabbing on the first and third Fridays of each month. Call 707-586-5966 for details and to RSVP. Depending on location, fishing license may be required. Eligible Veterans include: all War Zone Veterans, Veterans who have participated in Operations Joint Endeavor, Joint Guard, or Joint Forge; and Veterans who have experienced Military Sexual Trauma (MST).

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Eligible Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Call for most up to date information
  • Schedule:  First and Third Fridays of the Month
(707) 586-5966

6010 Commerce Blvd, Suite 145
Rohnert Park, CA
(Sonoma County)
Tags: complementary integrative health, be involved in your health care, be physically active;

North Bay Veterans Resource Center

We are a community-based nonprofit focused on the overall wellness and reintegration of military veterans from all eras.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please visit website for more information.

444 10th St., Suite 102
Santa Rosa, CA
(Sonoma County)
Tags: substance abuse, behavioral health;

North Bay Veterans Resource Center

Help with career development, job search workshops, resume preparation, assistance with housing and transitional housing for homeless Veterans.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Drop-in's/walk-in's welcome, or call to get more information
  • Schedule:  Monday through Friday, 8:00 - 5:00, closed from noon to 1:00
Mary Haynes
(707) 578-8387

444 Tenth Street, 102
Santa Rosa, CA
(Sonoma County)
Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;

Ocean Therapy (Yoga & Surfing for Veterans at Moonstone Beach, Trinidad, CA)

Come enjoy community and connection with other veterans through movement at Moonstone Beach, Trinidad, CA. Gentle yoga and surfing (boards and wetsuits provided!)

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Contact POC for entry/referral details
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.
Ella Price
Jenny Villasenor

Moonstone Beach
Trinidad, CA
(Humboldt County)
Tags: manage stress, be physically active;

One Vet One Voice

We advocate on Veterans behalf - we offer advice and services in relation to healthcare, education, housing, employment.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please visit the website, call or email Eddie Ramirez for more information. 8am - 12pm at the Veterans Building & 12-6pm at the Mama' Art Cafe (4754 Mission St, San Francisco).
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.
Eduardo Ramirez
(415) 857-3463

401 Van Ness Ave
The SF War Memorial and Veteran Building, Ste 224B
San Francisco, CA
(San Francisco County)
Tags: be involved in your health care;

Opening Minds Through Art

Building bridges across age and cognitive barriers through art. Our goal is to help create a society that values older adults with dementia. Online video library available.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please visit website for program information
Visit Website For Details

Tags: dementia, complementary integrative health;cognitive decline

Opioid Safety

Taking opioids responsibly. Online resources for veterans regarding opioid safety.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please go to the website for more information.

Tags: substance abuse, primary care, specialty care, behavioral health;opioid safety, opioid therapy

Pain Education Part 1 "What is Pain?" (Video Series)

This is a video series providing Pain Education to veterans who seek a remote option to pain management.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Drop-in's/walk-in's welcome

Tags: behavioral health, be involved in your health care;pain management, chronic pain

Pain Education Part 2 "Why Does Pain Become Chronic?" (Video Series)

This is a pain education video series aimed for veterans seeking remote pain management options and information.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes

Tags: behavioral health, be involved in your health care;pain management, chronic pain

Pain Education Part 3 "How Do We Effectively Treat Chronic Pain?" (Video Series)

This is a pain education video series intended to provide veterans with remote pain management education.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Drop-in's/walk-in's welcome

Tags: behavioral health, be involved in your health care;chronic pain, pain management

Parenting for Veterans

Online course. This course provides parents with tools that strengthen parenting skills and helps them reconnect with their children, and deal with both everyday problems and family issues that are unique to the military lifestyle.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Drop-in's/walk-in's welcome
  • Schedule:  online course, can follow at own pace

Tags: ;Parenting, Family

Pathway Home

The Pathway Home provides educational, professional, and clinical support in a residential setting to post-9/11 Veterans pursuing academic or vocational endeavors who are transitioning back into the civilian world following military deployment.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Male Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please see program eligibility on website
(707) 948-3031

100 California Drive
Madison Building, 2nd Floor
(Napa County)
Tags: substance abuse, sleep disorder;

PE Coach 2

Helps you work with a mental health professional during Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy. PE therapy is used to reduce symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) by helping you decrease distress about your trauma by engaging with reminders of the experience (triggers). The App helps you track your progress, appointments and PTSD symptoms. PE Coach is not a selfhelp tool and should only be used while in therapy with a provider.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  to be used with therapy
Search Your App Store

Tags: ptsd, behavioral health;

PGA HOPE (Helping Our Patriots Everywhere)

PGA HOPE is a flagship military program of the Northern California PGA Foundation. PGA HOPE provides FREE gold instruction to veterans with disabilities to enhance their physical, mental, social and emotional well-being. The six week programs are offered at locations throughout Northern California.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  See the website for the clinic registration.
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies based upon host facility and location.

Tags: weight problems obesity, specialty care, manage stress, strive for a healthy weight, be physically active;golf

Phone-based Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfullness Meditation is an evidenced-based VA-supported mind-body technique that helps you face the challenges and stressors of everyday life.

Website:  N/A
Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Two classes monthly- first two Fridays of each month. Call toll free number: 1-800-767-1750 Access Code:54220 Pacific Standard Time 8-9 a.m.
  • Schedule:  Each Friday 8-9am PST; April 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th; May 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th; June 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
To Enter The Meditation Call
(800)767-1750 x54220
Debbie Skeete-Bernad
(973) 676-1000 x 2714

Your Home
Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;chronic pain, phone based, meditation

Phone-based Yoga "Sleep" Nidra Meditation Class Available from Home

Yoga nidra (yoga sleep) is a spoken word guided meditation that promotes a sense of deep calm while enhancing awareness. The meditation class follows the 10 stage iRest protocol.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Provider referral suggested/preferred
  • Schedule:  see flyer at link for current times
Louise Mahoney
(800) 767-1750 x 24953

Your Home
Tags: substance abuse, sleep disorder, complementary integrative health, manage stress;chronic pain, sleep, yoga, iRest

Pill Reminder All-in-One

Pill Reminder is an easy-to-use and reliable app that helps you remember to take your medications at the right time. It allows you to create any type of recurring reminders (every X hours, specific times, daily, weekly, monthly, every X days, etc).

Website:  N/A
Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No

Tags: primary care, be involved in your health care;

Pound 4 Vets

Channel your inner rock-star with a full-body cardio jam session inspired by drumming.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Mondays 5:30-6pm
Sharmayne Whitehead

Tags: be physically active;Cardio, Exercise, Fitness, Workout, Drumming

Power of the Mind

The resources offered here will help you learn about the role the power of the mind can play in improving your health and well-being.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
Visit The Website For More Details

Tags: behavioral health, complementary integrative health, manage stress;mental health resources


A UCSF research study-program to help you make medical decisions for yourself and others.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please call or visit website and sign up to access information
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.

Tags: ;

Presidio Bowl

Join other veterans for a monthly recreation opportunity for socializing and bowling.

Website:  N/A
Location: San Francisco VA Medical Center

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Wednesdays 3:15pm - 4:30pm
Christian Dillon

Tags: ;bowling, socializing, recreation

Presidio Forest Stewards

Learn about urban forestry and arboriculture whole tending to young tress in the reforestation areas and assisting with forest maintenance. Activities include planting seedlings, weeding, mulching, and pruning.

Website:  N/A
Location: San Francisco VA Medical Center

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Wednesdays 9:00am -12:00pm
Christian Dillon

Tags: ;planting, nature, forest

Presidio Native Plant Nursery

Participate in some low impact projects such as pruning and fertilizing container plants, upsizing plants into larger pots, and/ or light seed collection.

Website:  N/A
Location: San Francisco VA Medical Center

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Wednesdays 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Christian Dillon

Tags: ;planting, nursery

Presidio YMCA Individual through San Francisco VA

Individualized strength and wellness therapeutic exercise at Presidio YMCA. Pre-session registration required.

Website:  N/A
Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Mondays and Wednesdays, various times
Christian Dillon

Tags: ;therapeutic, exercise, wellness, strength

PTSD Coach

PTSD Coach was designed for those who have, or may have, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This app provides you with education about PTSD, information about professional care, a self-assessment for PTSD, opportunities to find support, and tools that can help you manage the stresses of daily life with PTSD. Tools range from relaxation skills and positive self-talk to anger management and other common self-help strategies. You can customize tools based on your preferences and can integrate your own contacts, photos, and music.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  Yes

Tags: ptsd, behavioral health;

Qi Gung

Qi Gung uses flowing movement, deep breathing, and mindful awareness to improve health and inner calm.

Website:  N/A
Location: CBOC - Santa Rosa

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Mondays 1:00-2:00pm
David McKinnon
David McKinnon

2285 Challenger Way
Santa Rosa, CA
Tags: manage stress;Martial Arts, Stress, Calm, Breathing, Mindfulness

QiGong for Vitality

Free Qi Gong instructional videos, led by Jeffrey Chand

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
See Website For Contacts

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress, be physically active;Qigong, Qi Gong

Quick Mindful Practices for Pain

Learn mindfulness skills that help you relax, and cope more effectively with pain. Free 30 min drop-in virtual group for Veterans: introduces a new Whole Health skill each week.

Website:  N/A
Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Drop-in's/walk-in's welcome
  • Schedule:  Mondays 4:15-4:45pm; April 6th - May 18th

Join via Zoom Meeting ID 854 540 273, password 090046
Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;chronic pain, mindfulness, meditation, mind body skills

Quit That! - Habit Tracker

Simple app to track all the habit/addiction you are trying to quit. Find out how many hours, days, minutes, weeks, or years it has been since you quit each habit/addiction.

Website:  N/A
Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
Search Your App Store

Tags: substance abuse, behavioral health, manage stress, be tobacco free, limit alcohol;quit, habits, smoking cessation

Relax and Sleep Well

Twenty-nine minute guided meditation with music to help you fall and stay asleep.

Website:  N/A
Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
Search Your App Store

Tags: sleep disorder, complementary integrative health, manage stress;meditation, relax, sleep, hypnosis,

Remember the Milk

This is a smart "to-do" app for busy people.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No

Tags: be involved in your health care;to do, self help

San Francisco Parks & Recreation

Veterans can access parks in San Francisco for free (i.e., Conservatory of Flowers, Botanical Gardens, Japanese Tea Gardens). Veterans who can show proof of SF residency can access all pools, tennis courts, etc. for free. Wedding venues in San Francisco are half-off for veterans.

Website:  sfrecpark.org/
Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Drop-in's/walk-in's welcome
  • Schedule:  Individual parks, pools, and venues have different access hours. Visit website for more information.
(415) 831-2700

(San Francisco County)
Tags: be physically active;

San Francisco Parks and Recreation

Offers fitness, recreation, and aquatic programs. Recreation is our business. Recreation is our passion. Discover all of the exciting programs we have to offer, from dance and movement classes for tots to aerobic fitness for seniors. We truly have something for everyone.

Website:  sfrecpark.org/
Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Programs available for youth, teens, adults, and seniors.
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  see website for available program details.
(415) 831-2700

501 Stanyan St.
San Francisco, CA
(San Francisco County)
Tags: complementary integrative health, be physically active;

San Francisco Suicide Prevention

Provide assistance during crisis; provides education/training in prevention strategies. 24/7 Confidential Support, Text (415) 200-2920

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Call for information; all lines 24hrs
Crisis Line
(415) 781-0500
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
(800) 273-8255

(San Francisco County)
Tags: behavioral health, manage stress;

San Francisco Vet Center

Mental health counseling for Combat Veterans or those who suffered Military Sexual Trauma. Offer treatment for PTSD, mood disorders, marraige counseling, military sexual trauma. Individual and group counseling available.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Combat vets must show DD214; get appointment with counselor.
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.
(415) 441-5051
(877) 927-8387

505 Polk Street
San Francisco, CA
(San Francisco County)
Tags: substance abuse, behavioral health, manage stress;

San Mateo County Parks and Recreation

With dozens of parks and hundreds of services, Parks and Recreation touches you and your family's lives in many different ways.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Call for more information
(650) 522-7420
(650) 522-7400

2001 Pacific Blvd.
San Mateo, CA
(San Mateo County)
Tags: complementary integrative health, be physically active;

San Mateo County Veteran Service Office

Helps veterans access state, federal benefits for veterans, spouses and family members; provides information and referrals to a wide range of services and to programs such as the California Veteran College Fee Waiver for veterans and dependents.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Veterans and their families
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Call for more information
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.

400 Harbor Blvd.
(San Mateo County)
Tags: ;


Channel your inner rock-star with a seated full-body cardio jam session inspired by drumming.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Wednesday 9:30-10:00am
Sharmayne Whitehead

Tags: be physically active;Cardio, Exercise, Fitness, Seated Fitness

Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra

A YouTube Library of the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra with dozens of musical pieces free to enjoy from the conform of your home.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No

Tags: complementary integrative health;music, classical music, Seoul Orchestra

Sharing Mindfulness

Mindfulness meditations available for download.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;meditation, mindfulness, guided imagery

Sleep Well

Can't fall asleep to the sound of noisy neighbors or honking cars? Sleep Bug is the perfect on-demand white noise machine.

Website:  N/A
Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
Search Your App Store

Tags: sleep disorder, behavioral health;sleep, white noise, relaxing sounds

Solano County Veteran's Services Office

To provide counseling and assistance to, and act as an advocate for, veterans, their dependents, and their survivors, relative to federal, state, and local benefit programs based on military service.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Call for more information or check website
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC or see website for more information.
Alfred Sims
(707) 784-6590

675 Texas Street, 4700
(Solano County)
Tags: ;

Sonoma County Intergroup Fellowship (Alcoholics Anonymous)

Alcoholics Anonymous groups and meetings in Sonoma County. Check website to find a meeting near you or a virtual meeting.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Call 24/7 or visit website for more meeting information. Answering service takes calls after hours.
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.
Sonoma County Intergroup Fellowship
(707) 546-2066
24 hr hotline
(707) 544-1300

750 Mendocino Avenue, 10
Santa Rosa
(Sonoma County)
Tags: substance abuse, behavioral health;

Sonoma County Vet Connect, Santa Rosa

Veterans group formed to provide outreach to all former military service members and their families and to assist them in obtaining access to services and benefits. One-stop, no-cost resource for information, assistance and referral regarding: Veterans' Benefits VA Health Care Counseling for veterans and their Families Housing and Employment Counseling . . . and more.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Call or visit website for more information
  • Schedule:  Tuesdays, 9am-12pm
(707) 755-1417

1351 Maple Avenue
Veterans Building
Santa Rosa
(Sonoma County)
Tags: ;

Sonoma County Veterans Service Office

Our office is standing by to assist you with obtaining the benefits that you've earned. Let us help you today!

Website:  www.scvets.org/
Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Call for more information
  • Schedule:  Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
Chris Bingham

3725 Westwind Blvd.
Santa Rosa
(Sonoma County)
Tags: ;

Spirituality and Us, San Francisco

All Veterans welcome. Please visit website to view events on the calendar or call Eddie Ramirez for update with group.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please call for more information
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.
Dan Evenhouse
415 221-4810 x22839
Eddie Ramirez
(415) 244-7100

401 Van Ness
Veterans Building, 202
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: complementary integrative health;

Stay Quit Coach

Stay Quit Coach is designed to help with quitting smoking. It is intended to serve as a source of readily available support and information for adults who are already in treatment to quit smoking, to help them stay quit even after treatment ends. The app guides you in creating a tailored plan that takes into account your personal reasons for quitting. It provides information about smoking and quitting, interactive tools to help users cope with urges to smoke, and motivational messages and support contacts to help you stay smoke-free.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  Yes

Tags: substance abuse, behavioral health, be tobacco free;

STEM Projects - NASA

Free STEM lessons and projects for anyone. Participate in activities put out by the NASA - Jet Propulsion Laboratory from the comfort of your home.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
Visit The Link For Resources

Tags: complementary integrative health;STEM, NASA, experiments, laboratory

Storytelling at Healing Well

The art and importance of oral storytelling is evident through ancient times as a way to keep cultures and traditions alive.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  all sessions are free - drop-ins are welcome - healthy snacks provided
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.

374 Ellis Street
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: complementary integrative health;

Strength in Motion Group

Drop-in movement group for all fitness levels that mixes dance and fitness movements that can be done standing or seated.

Website:  N/A
Location: CBOC - Oakland

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Tuesdays 11:00am - 12:00pm
Sharmayne Whitehead

Tags: ;Dance, Fitness, Strength

Suicide Safe

Designed for providers, but can help Veterans and family members by equipping them with education and support resources to assess risk of suicide, communicate effectively with patients and families, determine appropriate next steps, and make referrals to treatment and community resources.

Website:  N/A
Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
Search Your App Store

Tags: behavioral health, manage stress, be safe;suicidality

Swords to Plowshares

Health & Social Services, Supportive Housing, Legal Services, Employment & Training Services, Supportive Services for Veterans Families, Women Veterans, Income Support Services.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  please call or visit the website for more information.
(415) 252-4788
East Bay Office
(510) 844-7500

1060 Howard Street
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: substance abuse, sleep disorder, behavioral health;

Tactical Breather App

This tool can be used to gain control over physiological and psychological responses to stress. Through repetitive practice and training, anyone can learn to gain control of your heart rate, emotions, concentration, and other physiological and psychological responses to your body during stressful situations.

Website:  N/A
Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
Check Your App Store

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;Breathing, stress management

Tai Chi Fundamentals - Adaptive with Walking/Walker Aid

Tai Chi Fundamentals is a YouTube Experiential and Informative Video that shares the basic moves involved in Tai Chi. The Basic Moves train posture, balance and coordination for a participant who uses a medical walker or walking aid.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
Visit The Link Provided For More Videos

Tags: be physically active;tai chi, chronic pain

Tai Chi Fundamentals - Standing

This is a YouTube Experiential and Informative Video that shares the basic moves involved in Tai Chi. The Basic Moves train posture, balance and coordination.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
Visit Link To Find More Similar Videos

Tags: manage stress, be physically active;chronic pain

Tai Chi with Tricia Yu

Tai Chi with Tricia Yu offers a YouTube Channel consisting of multiple videos and demonstrations for an overall Tai Chi experience.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
Visit The Link For More Tai Chi Videos

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress, be physically active;chronic pain

Tai Flow

Learn a mix of Qi Gung and Tai Chi movements for health and wellness. Standing or seated, this class is accessible for all.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Wednesdays, 1pm-1:50pm
Jeremy Joseph

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress, be physically active;tai chi, qi gong

Take a Break! - Meditations for Stress Reduction

From the developers of relaxation apps at Meditation Oasis comes this free app to quickly recharge. Listen to a seven-minute Work Break or 13-minute Stress Relief recording with or without music or nature sounds.

Website:  N/A
Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
Search Your App Store

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;meditation, stress reduction

Taking Charge of My Life & Health

Reflect on what really matters to you and what you want your health for; develop a plan, goals, and action steps.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Wednesdays, 10:30am-12:30pm
Brett Garcia

Tags: ;Health Planning, Goals

The Concussion Coach App

Provides you with resources to help you manage symptoms of concussion or mild to moderate traumatic brain injury.

Website:  N/A
Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
Search Your App Store

Tags: primary care;concussion, traumatic brain injury

The McKinleyville Low Vision Support Group

The McKinleyville Low Vision Support Group meets the last Monday of each month from 11:00am to 12:00pm at Azalea Hall Senior Center, 1620 Azelea, McKinleyville, CA. This group welcomes all ages, eye conditions and family and friends of those who are affected by vision loss.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  visually impaired adults
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  For more information contact POC
  • Schedule:  last Monday of the month
Doug Rose

1620 Pickett Road
McKinleyville Senior Center
(Humboldt County)
Tags: specialty care;

Together Strong

An interactive app that lets you practice what to say and do when a peer is struggling with adjustment to civilian life. Through interactive role-play and simulations, you'll become prepared to have a conversation that will motivate a friend to seek help, build resilience, and lead a positive life.

Website:  N/A
Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
Search Your App Store

Tags: behavioral health;adjustment, civilian life

Transforming Self-Care Resources

An Introduction to Your Healing Journey offers a variety of video lessons, tools, and techniques centered on building mind-body skills. These include: meditations, guided imagery, body scans, and more.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
Visit The Website For More Details.

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;body scan, guided imagery, meditation, mind body, chronic pain

Ukiah Community Center and Food Bank

Provides weekly and emergency food distributions, distributes monthly USDA commodities and Holiday Food Baskets. Friday Fresh Produce Distribution is available in addition to weekly distribution.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please call or visit the website for HOURS OF OPERATION. Sunday and Monday closed.
  • Schedule:  Monday to Friday
(707) 463-2409

888 North State Street
(Mendocino County)
Tags: ;

United Veterans Council of Lake County

Council of Veteran Service Organizations in Lake County. Member Orgs include: American Legion, VFW, IAVA, DAV, VVA, Patriot Guard Riders, Operation Tango Mike Website lists Veteran-focused events in Lake County and other helpful links for Veterans.

Website:  www.uvclc.org/
Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Drop-in's/walk-in's welcome
  • Schedule:  Meets 1st Thursday of every month at 10am
(707) 262-3111

3980 Veterans Way (VFW Post 2337)
Clearlake, CA
(Lake County)
Tags: substance abuse, behavioral health;

University Hospital Guided Meditations

Guided Imagery meditations that use the mind to focus on positive images and thoughts, changing thinking patterns in order to promote well-being and relaxation. These meditation recordings are a simple yet helpful tool that can be practiced at your own convenience.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No

Tags: manage stress;chronic pain


VA CALM introduces both mindfulness and self-compassion practices and is shown to improve physical and mental well-being.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or care team for a Whole Health Consult
  • Schedule:  Thursdays, 1pm
Jeremy Joseph

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;mindfulness based stress reduction, MBSR

VA Launchpad for Veterans

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Launchpad helps Veterans and their Caregivers find and use VA apps.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes

Tags: primary care, be involved in your health care;

Vet Center, Eureka

Confidential help for Veterans, service members, and their families at no cost in a non-medical setting. Our services include counseling for needs such as transitioning after a deployment or discharge from military service, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and the psychological effects of military sexual trauma (MST). We can also connect you with more support in VA and your community.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Combat Veterans or Veterans with MST
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Call for more information or visit website. Check hours of operation on website.
  • Schedule:  Monday- Saturday
(707) 444-8271

2830 G Street
Eureka Vet Center, A B
Eureka, CA
(Humboldt County)
Tags: substance abuse, specialty care;

Veteran Ceramics

Learn hands on with ceramics (pottery) taught by local veteran artist! Share space and time with other veterans while producing your finished artworks and developing new skills and techniques. All levels and experience welcome!

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Contact POC for entry/referral details
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.
Ella Price

7351 Tompkins Hill Road
Eureka, CA
(Humboldt County)
Tags: manage stress;

Veteran Garden- Join a Group or adopt your own bed!

Enjoy the benefits of being outdoors, co-creating gardens, building community, and nurturing healthy living with the Eureka VA Veteran Garden Project. We have garden beds available for Veterans and VA staff to adopt and start growing their own produce with the help of our gardening community.

Website:  N/A
Location: CBOC - Eureka

  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Contact POC for entry/referral details
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.
Tessa Johnson
Ella Price

800 W Henderson St
Eureka, CA
(Humboldt County)
Tags: manage stress, be physically active;

Veteran Wellness Guide

This PDF workbook is based on the science of well-being and is organized in short, easy-to-use activities. This is for any Veteran who is feeling tired, stressed, or wants to improve their well-being. It could help you feel happier, less stressed, and more in control.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Click on the link above to download the PDF.

Tags: behavioral health, manage stress;self compassion, healthy eating, sleeping well, setting SMART goals

Veteran's Community Social

An opportunity to connect with fellow Veterans. Veterans need a place to be with other Veterans.

Website:  N/A
Location: San Francisco VA Medical Center

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Wednesdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Brett Garcia

Tags: ;socializing, connecting, fellow veterans

Veterans Benefit Enhancement Project

helps veterans who are receiving Medi-Cal services obtain veteran benefits they are entitled to. If you are a veteran and receiving Medi-Cal services, you and your family may also qualify for federal benefits.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Contact DHCS by email at vbe@dhcs.ca.gov for questions regarding the Veterans Benefit Enhancement Project.

Tags: ;

Veterans Book Club at Oakland BHC

Come together to discuss and explore books that address BIPOC, mental health and wellness issues. Gain insight, perspective, and coping strategies for managing and improving their mental well-being.

Website:  N/A
Location: CBOC - Oakland

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or care team for a Whole Health Consult
  • Schedule:  Wednesdays, 10:30am
Sharmayne Whitehead

Tags: complementary integrative health;reading

Veterans Caring Crocheters Club

Veterans will have the opportunity to learn further crochet, knitting, and other yarn crafts beyond the basics of crochet, to engage socially with other veterans.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Mondays 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Sharmayne Whitehead

Tags: ;Social, crafts

Veterans of Foreign Wars

The Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States is a nonprofit veterans service organization comprised of eligible veterans and military service members from the active, guard and reserve forces. See website to find a local post.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  See website to find a local post
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.

Tags: ;

Veterans Yoga Project

Mindful Resilience-Home Practice Library is a collection of mind-body practices to be used to further develop practices related to Breath, Meditation, Mindful Movement, Guided Rest, and Gratitude. These tools help us breathe easy, focus clearly, move freely, rest deeply, and remember what is working in our lives. In this library you will find downloadable audio files of each of the five tools of Mindful Resilience Training.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
Visit Website For More Details

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress, be physically active;yoga, chronic pain

Veterans Yoga Project Online Streaming Classes

Veterans Yoga Project now has Online Streaming Classes and streams over 5 hours of live content every single day from VYP teachers around the globe. Visit the VYP Online Streaming Classes page on Facebook to join any of the 11 live daily practices to include movement, meditation, breathing, guided rest, and gratitude. Free to access, watch, share, and practice.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Visit website to access classes.

Tags: complementary integrative health, be physically active;chronic pain

Veterans' Resource Center

Provide information about veteran benefits, resources, local services, computer use, and other support. By appointment only.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Drop-in (no appointment needed)
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.

100 Larkin Street
Main Library, 5th Floor
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: ;

Veterans' Workshop at OBH

The Veterans Workshop is a creative arts group providing veterans a supportive space to explore their talents through hands-on crafts like rug tufting, clay sculpting, glass jewelry making, leatherwork, and sewing, fostering creativity and camaraderie.

Website:  N/A
Location: CBOC - Oakland

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or care team for a Whole Health Consult
  • Schedule:  Thursdays, 1pm-3pm
Sharmayne Whitehead

Tags: complementary integrative health;arts, crafts

Vets 4 Warriors

Our mission is to provide 24/7 confidential, stigma free peer support by veterans to Active Duty, National Guard and Reserve service members, Veterans, Retirees, and their families/caregivers.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  peer support by phone or chat 855-838-8255 24/7 All-Veteran Helpline or via email vets4warriors@ubhc.rutgers.edu
24/7 All-Veteran Helpline
(855) 838-8255

Tags: substance abuse, sleep disorder, complementary integrative health;

VHA Pain Management

Online and self-help resources for managing chronic pain.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
Follow The Link For More Details

Tags: behavioral health, complementary integrative health, be involved in your health care;pain, management, self help, self management

Virtual Hope Box (VHB)

This app contains simple tools to help patients with coping, relaxation, distraction, and positive thinking.

Website:  N/A
Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
Search The App Store

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress;Schedule, stress reduction tools

Virtual Museum Tours

This resource offers a list of museum virtual tours free and open to anyone. Experience the best museums from London to Seoul in the comfort of your own home.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
Follow The Link

Tags: ;art, museum, virtual art

Vision Loss Support Group, Marin County (Zoom)

Support group for the vision impaired of Marin. Please check event calendar.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  visually impaired adults
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Call for more information or visit website
  • Schedule:  please visit the support group page for schedule
Vision Impaired Of Marin
(415) 459-5066

369B Third Street, 183
San Rafael, CA
(Marin County)
Tags: ;

W.A.R.I.O.R. (Wellness And Recovery Incorporating Outdoor Recreation) Program

Free monthly Park Shuttle (provided by Golden Gate Parks Conservancy) from SFVA Medical Center to local national park sites. Hike, sight-see, join in a ranger-led walk, or just relax and enjoy the view.

Website:  N/A
Location: San Francisco VA Medical Center

  • Eligibility:  Veterans and their friend/family.
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Please call or email Mark Smith, OTR/L to reserve your seat.
  • Schedule:  Frist Friday of each month, 10am-3pm
Mark Smith
415 609-7986

4150 Clement Street
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: weight problems obesity, complementary integrative health, strive for a healthy weight, be physically active;

Walk With A Doc - Guided Nature Walks

Walk with a Doc is a walking program for everyone interested in taking steps towards a healthier lifestyle. You don't need any special gear and there are no rules. All ages, shapes, sizes and abilities are welcome. Every 4th Saturday, join us on the trail. This walk and talk series is for everyone who wants to get active in a beautiful park setting whilst learning more about the links between nutrition, illness and the benefits of nature.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.
Lisa McHenry
(415) 831-2700

Herons Head Park (Jennings Street off Cargo Way)
San Francisco, CA
Tags: complementary integrative health, be physically active;nature, walk

Walking Group

Meet with a small group of veterans to walk on a paved, flat path along the bay. Route is out and back so participants can choose distance they want to walk.

Website:  N/A
Location: CBOC - Eureka

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Contact POC for entry/referral details
  • Schedule:  Mondays & Wednesdays, 10am
Tessa Johnson
Leah King

Tags: be physically active;

Warriors At Ease

Explore meditation, breathing techniques, iRest Yoga Nidra and more yoga. This resources offers a guided iRest Yoga Nidra session, experiential breathing techniques, and yoga demonstrations.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
Visit Website For More Details

Tags: behavioral health, manage stress;meditation, breathing, yoga, chronic pain

Warriors on Trail

Whether you're a seasoned hiker or new to the trails, join us for camaraderie, adventure, and the healing power of nature

Website:  N/A
Location: CBOC - Oakland

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Thursdays 10:00am - 11:30am
Sharmayne Whitehead

Tags: ;hiking, adventure, nature

WebMD Pain Coach App

Offers a holistic approach to balancing lifestyle with chronic pain conditions to help inspire a better day. It is a mobile companion to help you through daily health and wellness choices so you can better manage your chronic pain.

Website:  N/A
Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
Search Your App Store

Tags: primary care, behavioral health;pain management, chor

Well Connected Low Vision Support

Telephone low vision support groups for people 60 years old or older.

Website:  www.covia.org
Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone, at least 60 years old
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  none needed
  • Schedule:  Call number for details
Use Website For Contact
(877) 797-7299

Tags: complementary integrative health, be involved in your health care;

Wellness and Resilience Group

Learn best practices to boost immunity, strengthen your body, and feel more balanced using nutrition and movement.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Tuesdays 1:00 - 2:30pm
Aska Hokazono

Tags: be physically active, eat wisely;Nutrition, Exercise, Movement, Wellness

Whole Health Coaching

One-on-one coaching to support you in working toward your own health goals.

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; complete Whole Health Consult for more information.
Linda Abadjian

Tags: be involved in your health care;Coaching, Wellness, Life Coach, Health Coach, Goals, Goal Setting

Whole Health Mindful Self-Management for Pain

One hour class designed to support Veterans develop and strengthen self-management skills for pain management using Whole Health tools such as the Personal Health Inventory and Circle of Health

Website:  N/A
Location: Virtual Wellness Groups

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Ask your provider or anyone on your VA care team for a Whole Health Consult.
  • Schedule:  Fridays, 11am-12:30pm
Julie Suitter

Tags: ;Mindfulness, Pain Management, Self Management

Women Veterans Empowered and Thriving

Free bi-monthly meetup and workshop. Women Veterans Empowered & Thriving is a reintegration program for Women veterans that utilizes writing and performance to empower them to thrive in their daily life. We guide women veterans to reconnect with their mind, body, soul, and passion for life. Through creativity, compassion, and camaraderie in a nonjudgmental space, we empower each other to ascend to the best version of ourselves.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Women Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Drop-in's/walk-in's welcome
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.

Tags: ;writing, performance, women, support

Women Veterans Hotline

National VA Call Center Resource regarding Health Benefits for Women Veterans

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Women Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Call for more information
  • Schedule:  Mon - Fri 8-10 pm., St 8-6:30 pm
Call Or Text

Tags: primary care, be involved in your health care;

Women's Health Nutritional Counseling

Nutritional coaching currently held virtually via VVC or telephone.

Location: San Francisco VA Medical Center

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  Yes
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Call to schedule an appointment or by provider referral
Sarah Gulli
(415)221-4810 x24262

4150 Clement Street
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: weight problems obesity, specialty care, manage stress, strive for a healthy weight, be physically active, eat wisely;

YMCA of San Francisco Association

Low-Cost Gyms. Financial assistance available

Website:  www.ymcasf.org/
Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Call for more information; many different locations.
  • Schedule:  M-F 9:00-5:00
(415) 777-9622

(San Francisco County)
Tags: complementary integrative health;

YMCA of Silicon Valley Association

Low-Cost Gyms.

Website:  www.ymcasf.org/
Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Check the web site for many locations.

80 Saratoga Avenue
Santa Clara
(Santa Clara County)
Tags: complementary integrative health;

YMCA of the East Bay Association

Low-Cost Gyms.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Check the web site for many locations.
(510) 451-8039

2330 Broadway
(Alameda County)
Tags: complementary integrative health;

YMCA Presidio

Low Cost Gyms.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Check the web site for more information.
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.
(415) 447-9622

63 Funston Avenue
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: complementary integrative health;

Yoga at the Healing Well

This practice includes breathing techniques, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures. Widely practiced for health and relaxation, it creates balance in the mind and body by developing strength, endurance and flexibility. Via Zoom.

Location: Community - Bay Area

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  all sessions are free - drop-ins are welcome - healthy snacks provided
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.

374 Ellis Street
San Francisco
(San Francisco County)
Tags: complementary integrative health;

Yoga for Vets and Partners

A gentle mindfulness-based yoga class to increase well being, promote relaxation and improve sleep.

Location: Community - Northern Counties

  • Eligibility:  Veteran and/or their Families
  • VA Resource:  No
  • Entry/Referral Process:  Contact POC for entry/referral details
  • Schedule:  Schedule varies; contact POC for more information.
Nichole Turnbloom

6010 Commerce Blvd, 145
Rohnert Park, CA
Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress, be physically active;

Yoga Journal

Yoga Journal offers a unique offering of free online yoga videos. These videos offer sequencing tips and tutorials for beginners and advanced participants.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Veterans
  • VA Resource:  No
Visit Website For More Details

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress, be physically active;yoga, chronic pain

YOQI / Yoga and QiGong

website with free online instructional videos for yoga and qi gong, led by Marisa Cranfil.

Location: Web, App-based, Phone-based

  • Eligibility:  Anyone
  • VA Resource:  No
See Website For Contact..

Tags: complementary integrative health, manage stress, be physically active;yoga, qi gong, qigong

Disclaimer and Credits:
This site was produced for the wHOPE study, Whole Health Options & Pain Education, funded by the National Institutes of Health. This site is not an official VA (Veterans Administration) website. It contains publicly-available information from both VA and community sources. VA does not endorse any of the non-VA or community services and resources listed on this site.

All Whole Health graphics, including the Circle of Health and Whole Health Logo are property of the Veterans Health Administration Office of Patient Centered Care and Cultural Transformation and were used with their permission. Icons representing individual health component areas were adapted from EMOJIONE under a free-usage license.
